Miss Lauren is 7 months old now as of a week ago and mommy celebrated her first Mother's Day on Sunday. Its crazy how quickly she's growing. She's still not crawling, however she thinks she should be able to swim on the carpet. Instead of lifting her belly off of the carpet, it stays down and her legs and feet come up and she starts to do the froggie swim. It's pretty funny.
She's sitting on her own, but we still have some webble wobble moments. Water babies is going well. She wore a life jacket for the first time and she didn't like getting it on, but thought it was pretty cool that mommy could let go and she could still float. Her taste buds are developing. We've been eating nana's homemade applesauce that she made for Lauren. And she's starting to like squash. Bananas are fine, but better if mixed with plain oatmeal. Same with pears, but we still haven't started to like peaches.
She seems to like the outdoors more than indoors, which is good in this family. We walked to the mailbox on Monday and as soon as we came inside, she screamed! So I set up her blanket outside and she sat in the backyard just watching the day go by.
She has obviously outgrown this swing, but she wasn't going to take a nap at grandma and grandpa's...so we had to get something out of storage. She took about a half hour nap the ENTIRE day!

Here's our pretty girl enjoying the outdoors! She's a ham when she sees the camera come out! This super cute dress was a gift from Aaron and Anna Aasen. Perfect mom's day outfit!
She was so serious watching Luke. He's the grandparents big black lab, 108 pounds...definitely bigger than her Biscuit! And definitely one to keep your eye on. He's very grouchy in his old age.
Since the sun was out, we needed to make some artificial shade. Lauren thought it was a toy!
Lauren liked to take the umbrella and put it between her and the family. But then it defeated the purpose. This is her peaking around the corner at Gram Gram.