Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Playing Catch Up

So things have been a bit crazy the last few weeks. We are officially moved out of the Browntucky house, living with Grandma and Grandpa and sign today to sell it. We have a little over 2 weeks before we close on our Washington things are in storage and Miss Lauren's world is upside down. I wanted to take a pic in front of the "sale pending" sign, but she was pretty upset about the house being empty and would cry for an hour! So needless to say, we didn't take any pictures!

Here's one of the last pictures at the Browntucky house. Mommy started making tutus and Lauren hates much for my girly girl! Oh well, I'll make them for other little girls!

Here's some pics of Lauren at mommy's friend Jenny's 30th birthday party. She had a blast and CRASHED hard on the way home.
Lauren having a blast with her friend Allison who is 2 months younger. This trampoline was a hit for all the kids. It has a weight limit of about 50 pounds and at one time there were 5 kids on it. And I know mine is 26 pounds!

So toss the home phone number and address....I'll send out a letter once we we get settled with the address, etc.! Hopefully this finds everyone well and I'll keep you posted on the never-ending changes in our lives!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Yesterday we had what very well could be the last play date in Brownsville but the first of the summer season! It was a little bittersweet. But our house is pending and we are in the final stages of the sale. The good news is that we found one outside of Olympia....definitely big enough for all of our friends! :) But the bad news is that we will be homeless for a few weeks in between the close dates of both houses. We are suppose to close May 28th in Bville (possibly sooner) and close June 11th in Olympia. So mommy's parental units are going to have some house guests!

Nonetheless we had a playdate in the middle of the boxing up the house. Jenny came with Carson and Conner, Carley brought Allison and Spencer and Rachel stopped by with Payton and Sadie. Definitely a group that kept us on our toes. Plus the local Kindercare showed up, which added 15 kids to the playground. We are so spoiled to have it all to ourselves normally!

Here are Allison and Lauren scoping out the playground....looking a little jailed!

Lauren getting ready to slide.
For some reason she was extra quick, I think she learned to pick up her rubber boots off the slide.....and she slid right off the end. Thankfully she picked herself up and brushed off the sawdust!

Here's Conner, Sadie and Spencer. This web thing is a favorite for all of the included!

Allison doing some swinging......

Payton too.

It was Jenny's BIG 3-0 birthday so we thought we should get together and celebrate. I realized I didn't get a pic of Carson. The best was when they got ready to leave and Carson and Lauren hugged.....Carson gave Lauren a kiss on the forehead and then Lauren blew Carson kisses. I think their father's need to get involved!

All in all, I think the kids had fun. I mean, cake was involved so who doesn't have fun with cake, except for Spencer who didn't want any because it wasn't chocolate! Then he sat down and took a bite and said "oh there is chocolate." No, there wasn't any chocolate, it was the little over cooked crust he was talking about! Thanks little Dude, I was hoping no one would notice! Nothing was broken and no one was bleeding! A toy golf club somehow managed to make it's way on the roof.....Conner! But it gave Daddy something to do when he got home!