Thursday, August 25, 2011

Playgroup 8/23

Playgroup this week was held at the Heritage Park Fountain in Downtown Olympia. The clouds stuck around from Monday's rain, so it wasn't as warm as we would have liked it to be. But Lauren and the kiddos had fun anyway!

Realizing that not only is it not very warm out but the water is cold too!

She ran and ran and ran. I made her keep her shoes on because there was a rock path we had to cross to get to the snack area, plus the cement was slick!

We weren't sure how Austin was going to react, but I think the smile says it all!

The bigger kids thought it was fun to shoot empty juice boxes in the air.

Caroline holding Lauren back from taking her "experiment"!

Sibling Rivalry....Caroline was chasing Cassie and throwing the empty juice boxes at her!

Between runs through the fountain, Lauren could be found doing her best "bum" impersonation on the bench with her towel. She was "cold!"


Tuesday morning Lauren and I went Blueberry picking before Playgroup. We found a little place out towards Boston Harbor. We picked a few, ate a few and filled the rest of our container with some from the farmer. 5 pounds of fresh blueberries for $4.50. Can't beat that!!

They were a tad high for Lauren to reach, but she picked a few. Then ate out of the bucket!

Slip N Slide fun

Last weekend we got the slip'n'slide out for some fun! Lauren still hasn't mastered how to run and Daddy helps! She always complains about how cold it is, but does less complaining if Mommy and Daddy join in on the fun.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Mini golf

Took Lauren mini golfing this morning. She has her own putter. The first few holes she did pretty well and obeyed most rules. But about halfway through she decided it was a good idea to pick it up and move it closer to the hole. Afterwards she kept talking about how much fun golf is and how good of a golfer she is. I wouldn't say "good" is the right word! But she definitely enjoyed it, has the main concept down and maybe this an extra curricular activity to pursue down the road.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Finally Summer...

Even though it might be late....we are enjoying summer this week! Because you never know how long it's going to last up here!

The news said we've reached 80+ degrees 6 times this year. Saturday is suppose to be #7.

Tuesday's Playgroup

On Tuesday we hosted playgroup in Shelton at Kneeland Park. It was a little chilly on arrival, but warmed up soon after.

The boys loved the tire swing.

The wood fort kept the kids entertained for a solid 2.5 hours! It was great!

The girls didn't swing quite as hard as the boys. And Lauren didn't want a thing to do with it.

She would rather practice her football drills on the spider web!

About halfway through, the shoes came off of all of them. They were covered in a layer of dust. She practically needed a bath before lunch. Oh and notice the outfit, Benny Beaver shirt with turquoise shorts....she dressed herself.

Sisters pushing brothers.

Miss Anna sunbathing. We live in Washington and don't see the sun very often this summer it seems. I guess you get it while and where you can!!!

This is the newest addition to our playgroup. Miss Alexa. She's 2 months now and we're all wondering if the hair is going to become more red like her brother Logan or more blonde like her sister Ellie.

Everyone had a great time. Thanks gals for making the trip out here!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Our Oregon trip

Last weekend we went on a whirlwind trip of Oregon. Here's the highlights:

Lauren found a frog at Meema and Papa's house.

She named it "Leapy". So I'm assuming all frogs will be "Leapy"!

Biscuit enjoyed the sun!

On Saturday we headed to Myrtle Point after mommy went to the Brownsville Antique Fair. We stopped at the Aasen's in Bridge first and had a good visit. Lauren was ready to get out of the carseat. Jozie is 3 months younger so they played pretty well together, minus the jealousy over toys!

Jozie has a little brother now, Danner Blue. He was born on 8/2, so just days before we got there. He seems to be a very good sleeper as he never woke up to see those baby blues!

Jozie and Lauren during one of their more friendly moments!

On Sunday Papa and Daddy went golfing with their buddies Walt and Rob. So we headed out there to meet them when they finished. Lauren and Cousin Sydney puttered around on the putting green.

Lauren seemed to really enjoy herself.

Her serious golf face.....

After making a putt, she'd look at the group for encouragement.

Even though her form needs work, at least she's interested!

Excited over making another putt!

We headed home for dinner and hung out at the ranch. Sydney showed Lauren one of the horses, Straightshot.

I love this picture. I think I'll do a little enhancement and see what I can come up with.

Climbing gates and fences.....all part of country living.

Ringing the dinner bell.

We headed back to Meema and Papa's on Monday and then home on Tuesday. So we covered a lot of ground. It was good to see everyone and I hope to see those we didn't get to see this round soon.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Summer is here!

This weekend we spent a lot of time outdoors. We had a lot of pool time. Daddy broke out Lauren's whale pool which proved to be more fun than her stiff plastic one. She'd probably be just as happy with a sprinkler!