Friday, August 17, 2012

3 months old....already!!

Adalynn is 3 months old today.  Hard to believe, but it's true!  I've had to put her in a couple of onesies lately that are 6 months. It depends on the brand but she is definitely growing!  We had to upgrade from the bassinet to the play yard.  We put that up in our room, rather than her being in the crib all the way across the house.  And especially since she still nurses one or two times at night.  Her sister is a light sleeper so this is to also help with that situation. 
 She is definitely a happy baby. Only fussy if she needs to burp, is hungry or is hurt (which doesn't happen except for shots).  We don't have an appt until 4 months but according to the bathroom scale she's about 14.5 pounds.  She seems long to mommy so we'll see in another 4 weeks. 
 Adalynn's hair seems to be getting lighter and her eyes are definitely blue. She's a good baby, which is extremely nice with the current 3-year-old in the house.  Whoever said it was the terrible twos.....LIED!  Three is worse.

We also got her to take a bottle once from mommy and once from daddy last weekend, which is a relief to just know she would actually take one since that wasn't the case a month ago. 
I love this face.  She wasn't mad, sad or indifferent.  It's just funny!

Keeping Cool

This week Western Washington has seen some of the hottest weather of the year so far.  So we've found lots of ways to keep cool.  

Some days it wasn't worth the hassel of getting into a swim suit, so we ran throughthe sprinkler in our clothes.  This was a new concept for Lauren and one that took her a few minutes to come to agreeance with. 
 Other days we got in the swimsuit and ran through the spinkler.  Some days we waited for evening so the backyard was shaded like below.
 Others we just embraced the sun.
Adalynn was a little confused by the bubbles her big sister was making.
 Lauren has become a professional bubble blower this year.

 Biscuit had to have a prison shower one day, but it was almost 90 and she sunbathed on the deck to dry off in a short amount of time.
 Adalynn enjoyed most days under the cool shade of the tent.  This is how we roll in Washington when it gets over 90 degrees....and sometimes the tank top comes off too! 
 She's learned that she can stick her tongue and make noises. 
Hope everyone else is fairing well in this heat wave!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I finally made it back to playgroup.  Technically they haven't officially met since I had Adalynn, so realistically we haven't missed any!  But today we met at a park and let the kiddos play.  Trying to watch Lauren and tend to Adalynn makes for less social time for mommy now.  But hey, at least Lauren was happy that she got to see her friends!

She really liked this spinning thing....I think it worked better to stand on....but only if it didn't go too fast!
 She liked to play with Baby Alexa who turned one in June.  She's changed a lot in the last 2 months!
 Love this picture of the firecracker redhead!  That is her personality for sure!
Sounds like we are going to try to maintain a schedule for the rest of summer.  But the girls are on such different preschool schedules this fall, it's going to be hard to get together.  Plus 1 mommy is going back to work, 1 is picking up more hours and 1 is moving away!  Looks like we'll just be attending Mom's Club functions instead of a weekly playgroup.  I'm sure Lauren will look at Preschool as her new playgroup!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Oregon Trip

Last week we packed up and headed to Oregon.  One day we headed to Brownsville for a playdate with Evelyn.  The girls played great together....and the hummingbird incident didn't even phase Lauren.  Let's just say that we all know what to do if a hummingbird gets in your house now!!
 Thursday was Adalynn's baptism as photographed in the previous post.  It was good to get the entire family together. 

Friday was Papa Jon's birthday.  So after a razor clam and eggs breakfast....yes Lauren the picky eater eats razor clams.....we headed to a friend's pond for some fishing.  Adalynn slept through it!
 Lauren tried but the fish just weren't biting fast enough to maintain her attention!
 Emmy found that you could literally scoop the blue gill up with a net.  That kept her entertained and satisfied her need to "fish".
 Here you can see all the little baby fish.  Lauren thought they were pretty cool. 
 Scoping out the fishing.  It was a little breezy that morning.  Definitely pre 100+ degree weather.
 Just one of the dozens of Bluegill Aunt Emmy scooped up.  It was a net and release method.
 Papa finally hooked one and let Lauren reel it up.  It's funny because if you ask her about her fish, she'll say that Papa hooked for her.  So this obviously doesn't count as her first fish....she's going to have to do the "real" one all by herself!  Funny kiddo.
 She told everyone the rest of the weekend that the fish flipped her and got her all wet!  It did make her rather mad on the dock.  And no she didn't want to touch it.
 Later that day we went up and saw Gram Gram.  She wanted to go visit her friend fish and tell him about the fishing trip.  It's a huge Koi that would eat out of your hand if you let him.
 Saturday morning we got up early and met Auntie Erin in Brownsville for the annual Antique Fair.  Babysitter Carley met us at the park and played with Lauren for a couple hours while Erin, Adalynn and I scoured the area for stuff to buy!

We got home around noon because it was getting to be a hot one and got ready to head up to the Oregon Jamboree campsites.
 It was way to hot for Miss A, the Washingtonian born...or any of us for that matter. Over 100 degrees in the shade. She was stripped down to just her diaper fairly quick and I put her in the air conditioned trailer. 
 Miss Lauren got a kick out of all the Armstrong kiddos and played for hours!
 Here they all are in the Armstrong trailer.  Can you tell which one is the pale white Washingtonian?  Our kiddo for sure!  I don't think we've seem 100+ degree weather since the summer before we moved....2009?
 The older girls came over and got some cuddle time with Miss A.  Adalynn loved the attention.  Adalynn missed Kylie's birthday by a day.
 Miss McKenzie and Miss Adalynn.
 And Hayley-Who with Miss A.
 It was a great time, until we got ready to leave and couldn't find Dougie (Lauren's snuggly horse blanket).  She had stuffed him in a new horsie purse Aunt Sheryl bought her, so it was a double whammy!  But I got a text at 10:30....10 minutes after I got her asleep....that he had been found and was on his way home with Meema and Papa.  Phew!

Sunday was a "hangout" day.  We were suppose to go swimming but everyone was super exhausted from the heat the day before.  Plus Mommy's friend was on call and we didn't want to get there and the same thing happen that did the night before.....she got called in!  So we napped.  Lauren found a tent like spot between the bed and the mirror and used blankets as her tent cover.  Silly girl.  But that's where she napped for almost 2 hours. 
 Then Uncle Dave and Aunt Joyce came up from Eugene to meet Miss Adalynn.  They just found out the day before we were in town and made it a priority to come visit.  It was good to see them and the girls enjoyed the visit as well.

 Monday, Lauren helped Meema by watering her flowers while mommy had to go to the dentist.  I know this photo is out of focus but her hair was a mess, pajamas still on and tennis shoes without socks....packing around a watering can.  It was cute and everything got a good drink! 
So that sums up the highlights of our trip.  Hope everyone else survived the heatwave the Northwest received last weekend!  We are back in Washington.....gray skies and 70.  Bleech.  It actually feels cold!

Adalynn's Blessing

Last week we made a trip to Oregon.  On Thursday, August 2 at 6 p.m. Adalynn was baptized in the Calapooia River in Brownsville.  It was the same spot her sister was baptized in 2009.  And Rev. Wes officiated both the girls' baptisms as well are our wedding.  It was a very special evening surrounded by family. 
Nana Julie made Adalynn's baptism gown.  It was completely different than Lauren's but just as gorgeous.
The river was a bit chilly but the day was gorgeous.  This was pre the 100+ degree days!  I think it was only in the 80's.  But why should it be any different, our wedding was 90's and Lauren's baptism was 80's.  Adalynn took it like a pro and only flinched a little and squawked once.
 Lauren was so excited when Rev. Wes said her name during the ceremony!  And notice the cousins didn't pass up an opportunity to put their feet in the river with us!
 The family and Godmother Erin. 
 The cousins lounging later that evening! I love this pic.  So natural of all the kiddos.
 Auntie's easier to say than Godmother Erin, but Adalynn will understand! 
It was great to see everyone and we were so glad everyone could make it for the special evening!