Monday, March 25, 2013


As you all know, Lauren can just about fall asleep anywhere and I have pictures as proof.  Well, little sister isn't much different. I was cleaning the kitchen with Adalynn in the high chair eating some Cheerios and watched the following take place. Of course I didn't help her to her crib, I grabbed the camera instead.  And yes, the lighting is horrible, but you'll get the point.
She caught herself nodding off, rubbed her face, made fart noises with mouth, attempts to eat another Cheerio and she's out! Love it!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spoon Girl

Here's a couple shots I got the other night of Adalynn using a spoon. She gets extremely messy, but hey, how else is suppose to learn!!? 
 This spoon thing is fun!
And a little video. She also loves peas, don't let her fool you by her face!  It's one of her stand bys!
She loves table foods.  But who am I kidding, she likes it all!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Preschool fun days and Oregon trip

A couple weeks ago Lauren's preschool had some fun days. The first day was dress up day of which I forgot to take a picture. She wore her princess dress that she wore to Ellie's Birthday a couple months ago. Everyone loved it and said she has a very talented Nana. The next day was silly hair day! I put little pony tails all over her head and boy was it silly.
 I picked her up from preschool and we drove to Oregon for the weekend. We made a pit stop in Woodburn and I think people actually thought I do her hair like this normally! She got some strange looks but Lauren didn't notice!  We had a good time shopping, buying shoes and eating some frozen yogurt. 

Nana Julie and Papa Eddie came up Friday night to join us at Meema and Papa's. On Saturday we all went to Buffalo Wild Wings in Corvallis for lunch before the baseball game. 
 Showing some love......maybe too tightly!
 Her silly Wing Nut hat.
 We then went to the Beaver Game.....or I should say we went to watch a couple innings. Lauren did a lot of "I wants" and Adalynn wouldn't leave her hat one. Lauren was mad Benny wasn't there, she was hot, wanted ice cream, wanted to go, you name it. We made it 3 innings before mommy was done. As we were leaving we did stop for a photo, neither of them are very excited as you can see. Nap time anyone? As we stopped....the Beavers scored, so we at least heard it!
 After we returned home, the next preschool day was pajama day. She wore her "princess and the frog" pjs Nana made her for Christmas. 
So that's what we've been up too.  Just a little something while we wait to move!

Adalynn's 9 month check up

Adalynn was 10 months on Sunday, and with that I realized I never updated everyone on her 9 month progress. Her stats on the charts had fallen in percentage.  Dr. Jiang chalked that up to bad measurements.  She didn't even have the girls jot them down for me!  She mentioned 75th percentile for weight and 50th for height. But once again her head is still 90th percentile.  As Dr. Jiang reminds me every visit, "Big head equal big brain." 

Still no crawling.  She log rolls everywhere.  Last night she did try a couple times with 2 quick movements forward before converting to log rolling.  So I think it's just a matter of time.  She has also showed interest in pulling herself up.  She can pull herself up to her knees but does it in the most inconvenient places, i.e. the bathtub, the entertainment center. All places that if she falls forward, would definitely leave a mark somewhere on her poor little face. 

She eats everything!  Which is great since I don't think I could deal with 2 picky eaters.  The only thing that she absolutely says no to is bananas. Otherwise she eats it all.  She's even likes table foods! This is good because we found out she's slightly anemic. We have a recheck appointment next week for this and hope that it can be adjusted with us watching her iron intake via foods. And over the weekend she showed interest in using her spoon all by herself!  And we thought Lauren was independent!

Talking is minimal. However she does repeat letters A and B of sister's preschool phoenics song. She says "Dada" very sweetly and almost growls "Mama".  She knows what she wants and how to get it. Sleeping has been an issue but we are working on it.  I still think she's teething and the doctor agreed, but nothing to show for it but the same 2 she got before Christmas. 

So that's about it for Miss Adalynn.  She does something new just about daily.  And defintitely keeps mommy on her toes.  And sister too!  I hear "MOOOOOOMMMM, Baby Adalynn is doing _____________!!" a lot!   


So once again the blog has fallen by the wayside. Life has gotten in the way, so you'll have to excuse me while I take some time to update everyone. At the end of January Jake was approached with a new job opportunity that would take us back to Oregon. The new employer was almost too good to be true in location alone. Living 3 hours from "home" with 2 kiddos has been challenging, so it seemed like a no brainer to me. But after multiple conversations (it wasn't as easy as it sounded) weighing the pros and cons, Jake pulled the trigger and made the move. He's been back in Oregon for a month now while the girls and I wait for the house to sell. This has been less than ideal, but we keep telling ourselves it's only temporary. And it also keeps Lauren in preschool and preoccupied in that matter. However she is excited 90% of the time for the move. The other 10% of the time she's concerned that we might leave something behind. I answer a question like "Can I take my bed when we move to Oregon?" almost daily. We had our first non-open-house showing of the house last weekend, so hopefully things will pick up. They say spring is the best time to sell....and it starts tomorrow!

So there's my excuse for letting the blog go lately. I'll keep everyone posted on the progress and in the meantime you'll have to be satisfied with random, sporadic and sparse posts!