Thursday, June 20, 2013

Saying Goodbye to the Zoo

Once we had an offer in on the house, we knew there was one last thing to do; make a trip to Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma to say goodbye to ET, Lauren's beloved walrus friend. It's too bad that ET was super sleepy that morning.  But we still got to say Bye. 
 ET getting his morning eye drops. It's rough getting old, he's 31 this year and that's old in walrus years!
 Adalynn's first and last picture with ET....ok, maybe not last, we may need to make a trip up just to see him!
 This is Joan, one of ET's girlfriends.  She was super friendly that morning.
 Lauren with one of the seals. We wondered why there was only 1 in the tank that day. We found out later that one had given birth and the other was in labor!!
 This is Kali, the new tiger cub.  So sweet.  She was sleeping, obviously, but still a highlight of the trip. 

 This spring they opened a touch tank of sting rays. It made me nervous and grossed out, not sure why. But I didn't let Lauren know that! And away she goes!
 A beautiful day for lunch on the terrace!
 Back to the zoo.....the establishment's free range peacock.
 A carousel ride. Once we talked her into the "not up and down" ones, we were good to go.  (We learned from previous trips!)  She still wasn't too keen on it once it started to move!
 Adalynn was her typical "What in the H@#$ are we doing!" self.  She didn't cry, just more curious that anything!
 Made a stop at the kids area.  It was full of school kids so we didn't stick around.  Plus I told Lauren we were there to see the animals not play at the park.  I know, I'm no fun, right?
 The meerkats....they were funny. Mommy had to tell on some little boys for being mean to them by throwing garbage over the glass wall at them. It was definitely a learning moment for Lauren.

 No one was around the elephant enclosure. We could hear this banging noise, so we walked over. One of the elephants was "making music" with these metal tubes. But once we showed it, it was like, "Ok, your here. I'm so bored, I glad I summoned you."
 And she's out....this zoo this is sooooo boooooring!
 Last stop was Malosi for the tiger talk.  He's younger and still learning the ropes.  The call them out to this big rock for photo ops by tossing raw meat.  Well, he can't catch yet obviously. If you look close the meat it hitting him directly in the face!
 Such a pretty kitty!

 Happy boy.
 And that's it. Here's Lauren with Rainier faintly in the back. A good reminder of our Washington life!


The girls and I have been busy packing and trying to get the "laundry list" of to dos done before we can close on our house.  But we've had to take a couple breaks.

After a doctor's appt we ran into see Chuck E Cheese. Adalynn was just facinated by the mechanical mouse....then the live one came out. Hopefully she takes after sissy, as Lauren ran up there and joined in on the dancing fun. 
 We also took in the Forest Festival in Shelton this year, appropriate before we leave.  Daddy was at Beaver baseball and again we needed out of the house!  Here the girls are before the parade.
 Lauren post parade with her face painted.
It's been a busy few weeks. Looking forward to getting settled back in Oregon soon.

Family Photos

A few weeks ago (ok in May), we went and had a family portrait done for Mother's Day.  I have been wanting one and now Daddy thinks he's off the hook for another one. Probably not. Adalynn didn't smile because the only people she smiles at are in the photo with her! Very serious this one! 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Last Day of Preschool; Year 1

So Lauren's last day of Preschool was the 23rd.  They had a wonderful picnic planned at one of the city parks, but it was raining. But 4 year olds being 4 year olds....they made the most of it!

This pic just about sums it up!
 They switched it up and played under cover with some bubbles. 
 They had lunch.  All of of us were asked to bring something.  We brought watermelon in the shape of stars (yes, I got out the cookie cutter!).  Then I placed a few in the center on skewers with blueberries!  Another mommy friend informed me that I should have posted what I was bringing to Facebook and she would have just thrown hers out!  One mommy was thinking of the cold weather and brought hot pizza!  I think the adults were happier than the kiddos for that!

This is Lauren and her friend Ella. If I had to ask who was her best friend, I would have to say Ella.  She's the girl Lauren hangs out with the most.  But she is one of the few girls that hangs out with the boys too.  It was funny watching the slide show, because these 2 were either with each other or the boys!
So preschool is over for the year. And we finally have an accepted offer on our house.  So it's official, we will be heading back to Oregon by the end of the month!  Now to find a place and get settled before Miss L has to start preschool at her new school.  This is a difficult concept for her to understand, so the sooner we can get into a new routine, the better!

First Day vs. Last Day

I wanted to do this since before she started Preschool too see if there was a lot of change in Miss L over the school year.  I see her everyday and I don't realize how much she's changed in just a few short months. 

Well she might be a little leaner and a little taller.  But she's still our outgoing, outspoken Lauren!

Teddy Bear picnic

At preschool they had a Teddy Bear picnic and it happened to be Lauren's leader day.  The pictures aren't great because Lauren had informed me that mommy's only stay on the first and second leader days not the third.  (Not true, but her choice!)  So I had to be sneaky, got back from running a few errands just in time and pretended I wasn't really there.

Finished their snack of Capri Suns, cheese sticks, Ritz crackers and apples....per Leader Lauren's request.
 Jamming in another bite before the Teddy Bear dance.
 Time to dance the day away....boy do they have some moves.  Wish I would have turned on the videoing!

While taking pictures of Lauren, Adalynn was asleep on my shoulder. After I was done, we went into the church to wait for preschool to be over. I had laid her down to change her diaper and the poor kid didn't move. She just kept sleeping at least another 20 minutes. Like I said before, she can sleep anywhere.

Passed out...

One of the days in Oregon, this is how I caught the girls napping.  Lauren had laid down in the chair after arguing with mommy where she was going to nap for the day. Soon after I found Adalynn passed out on the pillow next to sissy.  I have a feeling at some point these 2 will find their way into each other's beds. I've already found Adalynn trying to climb the steps to Lauren's bed.  

Adalynn Turned 1!

This happy girl turned 1. It's hard to imagine that an entire year has flown by.  We had a small family brunch party over her birthday weekend in Oregon.  Here's a few pics from the festivities.
Her on a new riding toy from Nana and Papa. 
Her cake. Colors are per her party-planning sister's request.  
 Waiting for a little brunch....
Time for presents!  She got into it for a little bit.  But wanted to play with each thing until it was time to move on.  So present opening wasn't too swift! 
 Here's Big Sister showing her how it works....of course!
  And her reaction to the noises and sounds!
Her first bite of cake/frosting.....
 Well, maybe I need some more.
 Ok, how about some of that cake.
 Hey, this is pretty good, you want some?!
 Happy Birthday baby girl!
So she had her check up and she's 50th percentile in height and weight but her little ol' head is still 99th!  We are currently dealing with a little milk sensitivity, but are praying that it's only temporary and she'll outgrow it which is what the doctor claims will happen.  Only time will tell! But it's going to be a long 3 months since this girl has tastebuds and loves ALL foods!