Sunday, March 15, 2009

Busy Baby

Lauren has been a very busy baby lately. Even less napping than before, which wasn't much to start with. She constantly needs to be doing something. I told our pediatrician that she was eating 4 oz of formula every 2 hours. But the days that we left the house, she'd go 4 to 4.5 hours without eating. They explained to me that there is a thing called "bored eating." Great! So we are needing to plan more activities out of the house. Water babies will be a nice one! They did tell me to up her to 6 oz at a feeding and that has seemed to help as well.

This weekend she played a lot. She's strong enough now to press her drums and create music. These are some pics. She's not quite sitting up on her own but she tries very hard. We are going to try to sit her up with help of her boppy. The Bumbo seat has been great, but I don't think she's gaining much muscle because she doesn't have to work to sit up. But she really likes to make music and even acts like she sings during some songs! And she gets very frustrated when she tips over!

This is a pic of her in a snowsuit from one of my cousins! It reminds daddy of "The Christmas Story" and the bunny suit Ralphie gets from his aunt! It's been good for traveling in the jogging stroller which she is now able to sit up in. We toodled around the mall this weekend in it! So we have upgraded from using the cocoon in the jogger which has been a life saver this winter (thank you Hitner family!).

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