Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween from Lauren

Last night we took Lauren out to Grandma and Grandpa's. She wore her costume and was ecstatic the entire time! Constantly running. She would not stand still for any pictures!

Mommy loves this photo! "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!"

When we got home, daddy tried on the outfit. He kind of looked like the Headless Horseman!

Tonight, we trick-or-treated Lauren's babysitter's house! She really didn't get the concept, but always loves to see Carley! And of course didn't want to leave.

Lauren helped mommy hand out candy to all 8 of our trick-or-treaters. Then she wanted to leave with all of them. And screamed bloody murder when they left and she was being drug back into her house!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Baking Apple Pie with mom

Last weekend mommy canned apple pie filling. Half of it turned out good. The other half was a bit runny. But it's a learning process and it can be worked with when baking the actual pie. Lauren thinks it's pretty tasty! She thought it was fun to watch it cook too.

Yesterday she pulled the large cook pot out of the cupboard and starting stacking the pints of apple pie filling in the pot. It was pretty comical. I'm not sure if she was trying cook it or can it! Either way, she knows her way around the kitchen better than mommy!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fall Leaves

Lauren and mommy went to Pioneer Park today to take some pictures in the leaves. The park is so pretty right now with all of the autumn colors!

Inspecting the leaves. "I think this one is just about perfect!"

"Look mommy I found one!"

Happy Fall Everyone!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pumpkin Patch trip

Yesterday mommy and daddy took Lauren to Detering Orchards Pumpkin Patch between Coburg and Harrisburg. We timed the weather just right. It was difficult taking pictures with people walking by. Plus the pumpkins were so big and fun to pat!

Daddy, I'll take this one!

Lauren walked away with a big pumpkin, a smaller pumpkin, a free small pumpkin and 2 tiny pumpkins to pack around! Mommy got a box of Ozark Gold apples to can apple pie filling. And Daddy just got the opportunity to hang out with her two girls for the day!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Lauren's first pony!

Ok so this one isn't alive...but those are the best kind. Cheap to feed and you don't have to muck out their stalls! So a few weeks ago, Lauren and I were at Costco. They had these rocking horses for sale and I got Lauren out of the cart and onto the pony to see if it "fit". It was too big for her, but she didn't care. As I peeled her off of it, she let the entire warehouse know of her disappointment. I even had an older lady stop me in the store 15 minutes later and say, "Your daughter is sooooo cute. You should really buy her the pony." Gee thanks lady!

Today after water babies we made a Costco run, mainly just to get the rocking horse. They had 5 different colors originally, but today it was down to 2 with only a few of them fully operational. So needless to say, the little girl got the pony. And it was to be a Christmas present but daddy decided that was too far away and we are going to call it a belated birthday present. It's so funny. It whinnies, makes a galloping sound, shakes his head and swishes his tail.
Pleased as punch!

Giving the pony loves after her ride. What good horsemanship! It was a very ungraceful dismount!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hunting Season

On Wednesday, Lauren and I left with Grandma and Grandpa to Eastern Oregon for our hunting season. She traveled so well. It's about 10 hours all the way to where we camp! This was one of our pit stops. Lauren loved to stretch her legs!

Daddy had shot his buck that morning in a different unit and met us over there late that night. We had some father/daughter photos the next morning. It's just a little guy!

Lauren liked to hold the antlers! But they were too heavy to do it by herself, so daddy had to help with a finger.

Getting dirty in Chesnimus soil! This was after our walk-a-bout!

Our walk-a-bout was very entertaining even though we didn't see any bucks. Daddy, Lauren and mommy took off down one drainage, while grandma and grandpa went down another. I wish I would have had a picture. Daddy had Lauren in the Kelty backpack. We were sneaking along a game trail when daddy whispered "stop." About 80 yards away came a BIG bull elk. The wind was just right, mommy was in camo, Lauren was in camo and daddy was in black. He never saw us. As he got closer we realized that he was a 7x7 and probably would have scored 350. This big Rocky Mountain elk was 6' tall at his shoulders. He came within 20 yards and what does Lauren do.....GRUNTS! She's obviously watched too many Realtree Roadtrips! It was priceless. He stopped dead in his tracks, looks at us, can't smell he comes closer! At about 15 yards, daddy finally took a step out behind a tree and he bolted. Gosh he was pretty. I said "too bad I didnt' have my camera" and daddy said "too bad we didn't have a tag!" He's right! Poor Lauren though....her standards are all screwed up now. Daddy and mommy will have to work hard to live up to those expectations!

Here are some 1 year photos. The day was pretty....cold, but pretty. The Seven Devils Mountains were off in the distance. She is such a ham!

Lauren had a great time. It was pretty cold for all of us....17 degrees the morning we left! She was a little wind burnt on her cheeks and sleeping in the port-a-crib really didn't happen much! We came home with daddy on Saturday so he could get his deer cut up and to the taxidermist. And last night we all slept SOOOOOO well. Mommy needed that!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lauren's 12 month appointment

Today Lauren had her 12 month appointment. Yes, mommy was mean and scheduled it on her birthday. And yes, she had to have shots......4 of them.....poor thing! Here's where she ranks on the charts:

Height: 29.1 inches = 50%
Weight: 21 lbs and 14.5 oz = slightly less than 75%
Head Circumference: 50%

So overall she's pretty average and continues on the same curve she set out on. Dr. Davis figures the decline in her weight gain is due to her being more active. I had to fill out a questionnaire by responding "My Child Performs this task: regularly, sometimes, not yet". There were very few sometimes and only a couple of not yets. So Dr. Davis was pretty happy with her progress.

She faced forward in her car seat today, which she talked the entire way from the house to Wal-Mart. Made for a very interesting trip! Lauren's walking all over and even runs a little if she leans forward. I think I counted 7 teeth! She loves music and dances to just about every commercial. She really likes the new show "Glee", which mommy loves too! She also likes looking at her books, whether they make noise or not! We've also discovered she likes the Mickey Mouse club....especially the Hot Dog dance for those of you who understand! Your homework if you don't.....You Tube it!

Happy Birthday Lauren!

Today is Lauren's First Birthday! And what better way to celebrate than to put her on the Good Day Oregon Fox 12 First Birthday segment! She was pretty amazed to be on TV!

What do you want mom?

Oh there's a baby on tv!

Hey wait that baby looks pretty familiar.

I recognize her!

Let me see if she reacts the same way as that baby in the mirror.

No, it's a picture of me!

Happy Birthday Lauren!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Game Day!

Lauren has on her game day gear with anticipation for the 4 o'clock kickoff. Grandma and Grandpa are coming over since they don't get the channel. We couldn't pass up a nice fall day and autumn leaves for a photo opp as well!

She found the tree.
Wow, that's high!

GO BEAVS! Auntie Bethany got her this shirt. It's a little big, but cute as heck.
One year ago today I was due to have her. I was DONE being pregnant, but of course she didn't want to come out. She was having too much fun! Until Dr. James forced her out! Now, just 12 months later, Jake and I have a walking and talking toddler! Wow. Everyone says that time flies by but you just don't understand until you are in those shoes.