Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lauren's 12 month appointment

Today Lauren had her 12 month appointment. Yes, mommy was mean and scheduled it on her birthday. And yes, she had to have shots......4 of them.....poor thing! Here's where she ranks on the charts:

Height: 29.1 inches = 50%
Weight: 21 lbs and 14.5 oz = slightly less than 75%
Head Circumference: 50%

So overall she's pretty average and continues on the same curve she set out on. Dr. Davis figures the decline in her weight gain is due to her being more active. I had to fill out a questionnaire by responding "My Child Performs this task: regularly, sometimes, not yet". There were very few sometimes and only a couple of not yets. So Dr. Davis was pretty happy with her progress.

She faced forward in her car seat today, which she talked the entire way from the house to Wal-Mart. Made for a very interesting trip! Lauren's walking all over and even runs a little if she leans forward. I think I counted 7 teeth! She loves music and dances to just about every commercial. She really likes the new show "Glee", which mommy loves too! She also likes looking at her books, whether they make noise or not! We've also discovered she likes the Mickey Mouse club....especially the Hot Dog dance for those of you who understand! Your homework if you don't.....You Tube it!

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