Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Early Birthday

A couple weekends ago, we were able to get both sides of the family together for an early birthday....and yes, it was over 3 weeks early. She still doesn't understand birthdays fully, so it didn't matter to her! She got presents!

Meema and Papa Jon got Lauren a fancy John Deere Gator. She drove it all over. She can drive a little better these days, but definitely is a distracted driver!

Lauren got to see Cousin Sam, which she hadn't seen him since Easter. So of course that was a highlight. And look who is driving!! She didn't mind letting Cousin Sam drive, let's just hope that she shares with her playgroup friends as well!

Here's her cake. Lauren has an opinion this year, so she decided on a puppy theme for the family party (the "friends" part up here is going to be "Angry Birds"). The funny thing is that this is the same cake from her first birthday. Obviously she didn't know that!

Singing Happy Birthday to the Birthday Girl! Notice Gram Gram even sported a party hat!

Big breath.....

And it's out! Even from that far away!

The Cousins and Auntie B bought Lauren a Phineas and Ferb electric drum. It's been banned to her room! Lauren shouts "1, 2, 3, 4!" before banging on them.....not sure where that came from, but Lord knows she has rhythm.

Looking at the card after opening the present. "Bow Chica Bow Wow" is now a common saying in our household thanks to this card.

Opening Nana and Papa Eddie's present......a Perry the Platypus karoake machine!

Trying to get a picture of the birthday girl and Gram Gram was virtually impossible, but we tried!! Too much to do Gram Gram....busy girl!

Thank you family for the "get together" and all the great presents. Lauren in still enjoying everything!

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