Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mud and Big Wheels

Last weekend the girls and I went down to the ranch to feed the second season elk hunters on Saturday. Sam was hanging out, so of course Lauren took full advantage of hanging out with her cousin. I caught these cute pics of them getting muddy on their big wheels. You'd think the slope down the driveway was a huge mountain!

 Hoods up! It's gettin' real out there!

 It was a short trip, but these pictures were well worth it!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Halloween 2013

For Halloween this year we did not have "coordinating" costumes. Lauren was dead set on being a "Fairy Mermaid Princess". And what goes with that?? Not much but everyone can use a Minion. However, Adalynn is teething and a complete turkey. So while big sister was at preschool I took advantage of the smiles. These were the only ones I got that day, so I'm glad we did it! Plus it started raining later that day.

Here we are outside before going to sissy's school.

 This one will be saved for a day in high school when she needs reminded of where she came from!
 A minion on a mission looking for trouble!
 Then we ran to get Lauren ready for their Halloween parade. Here's her class.
 They were asked to pair up, so she took hold of Pirate Andrew. Cuties!
 Loving visiting the classrooms with all the big kids!
 After running to Lebanon to see Gram Gram, we hit the businesses in Brownsville. They made a pretty good haul. Love Brownsville! Where else can your kid trick or treat the Liquor Store or Saloon??

 Here's Lauren's bucket emptied out, definitely enough for this 5 year old! 
 On Friday we went to Toys R Us for other reasons and found costumes 50% off. So now I have super heroes circling the living room every day! 
 Scary Bat Girl! Stand back or she'll cut ya!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Field Trip #2

We have already went on field trip #2 this year. This one was just to Teacher Rebekah's house.  They have an apple orchard and and cider press. So these kiddos were put to work! My camera was cold and fogged in that day, so this is the best it got. But it matched the weather.

Lauren, Amelia and Evelyn trucking themselves to the apple trees. Love that Amelia was right in the middle of them all! 
 Picking up te apples. The trick was to put the good ones in the wheel barrow and the icky ones throw out for the critters!  Not sure if some kids got the memo. Some of us mommy's were in charge of cutting the apples and we know! Ha!
 Adalynn enjoying the view!
 Lauren with a fancy apple.
 Gaining on the pile!
 Evelyn with her apple.
 A couple of the dads with the wheel barrows and the kids helping.
 While we worked on the apple cider, the kids made apple art.
 Time for a snack.
 Posing with a pumpkin. Each kiddo got to pick a pumpkin to take home (including siblings!). Happy campers!
We had to get home and change our wet clothes and warm up. That fog was damp! Plus Lauren was a little muddy! She fell shortly after this picture and was covered head to toe!

Preschool Volunteer Day

I realized after the fact that the first day mommy had to volunteer, I didn't take any pictures! And to top it off, it was Lauren's Birthday snack day! : ( Shame on me! But I took a few the next time I volunteered!

The day I was there, they got some new play equipment. Part of the perks on having preschool at the elementary school! Woo hooo!

 Then we went and picked pumpkins out of the school garden.

 Wow did they make a haul!
It's different this year because mommy has to put in so many volunteer days. But you definitely learn about each kiddo and have a better perspective when Lauren comes home to tell me something about "so and so". Good group of kiddos with a variety of age ranges, Lauren of which is the oldest. A little challenging at times for her, but she's adjusting!

Ranch Trip for Deer Season

We took advantage of being back in Oregon this year for some deer hunting at the ranch.  When we got there we had to see Nana's new chickens! 
 Then it was time to gather some eggs! About 3 a day is their current production.
 The next morning mommy went hunting with Papa, Daddy went with Uncle Kyle and the girls hung out with Nana. This was our view above the fog. No deer that day, but pretty. 
 That evening the girls went with us. The next few pictures I absolutely love!

 She tried like hell to spot one!
 Our view that evening as we watched the sun go down.