Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Weekend at the Ranch

This last weekend we headed to the Point on Friday morning. Daddy took the day off. The original plan was to go crabbing but high tide didn't happen until late afternoon, so Daddy wanted to get some fishing in. Uncle Kyle, Daddy and Papa put in some long hours and no fish! But it gave the family a chance to see how big Lauren has gotten over the last 2 months since Christmas.

Lauren and Cousin Sydney; Lauren doesn't look to happy to see Cousin Syd but she really was!

Cousin Sydney, Lauren and Daddy's Cousin Robert

Lauren and Cousin Sydney playing hide-n-seek with a diaper

Lauren checking out Cousin Syd's face; "Hey I know you!"

We found a wig that Nana ordered online for the upcoming Rotary Auction. A friend of mine recently showed me a picture of her grandbaby in a wig so I couldn't resist in having Lauren try it on. She looks like one of those silk hair Cabbage Patch Kids! Nana, Aunt Bethany and Mommy thought it was funny, but Lauren didn't! Daddy and Emmy thought it was creepy!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mommy OR Daddy??

Ok, so here are some more comparisons and baby pictures of all of us! Grandma says that mommy is more like 7 months in this photo...but I don't think it's going to make much difference. Daddy is about 3 months. Miss Lauren looks a lot like daddy! Or at least mommy thinks so! You be the judge.




Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Groves Look-a-like Meter

We are always asked who Lauren looks like more....well here's the scientific evidence she looks more like me! Just kidding! I don't believe it. I've done this a few other times with different photos of Lauren and one was 50/50 and another was 8% more like mommy. So I think she's a good mix of the two of us!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Four Month Appointment

Yesterday Miss Lauren had her 4 month appointment with Dr. Davis. She weighed in at 15 lbs 1.75 oz and measured 24.25" long. She is at 75% for weight and 50% for height and head circumference. So Dr. Davis is pleased with her progress and didn't see any need to put her on rice cereal at this time. She said she would rather us wait until her digestive track is fully developed and she's able to eat from a spoon. So at 6 months we will be ready for cereal, baby food and water. That will be a very exciting time! We do have to start vitamin drops which Lauren is not excited about! She had to have a couple of immunizations yesterday as well so today is a very sleepy day recouping from the exhausting day yesterday.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Lauren turned 4 months old on Friday and we decided to try out the "Jumperoo" we got her for Christmas. And yes, she's wearing camo because it was the "Budweiser Shootout" on Saturday night! That's right, NASCAR season has begun! And we realized we are without any Dale Jr. gear for her.
She's still a little short for the jumperoo, so we put mommy's scrapbooking organizer under her to give her a boost. She bobs up and down in it a little bit and throws her arms around. It makes all kinds of cowgirl noises when she moves it, thankfully it has an off button. It won't be long before she doesn't need the boost though.
She concentrates with her tongue, which is a Grandpa Jon trait!
Her favorite thing to do is eat the cloth "saddle". It was soaking wet when I pulled her out from all of her drool! Still no teeth though!

Friday, February 6, 2009

This Little Piggy......

Miss Lauren has found her toes! Mostly when she's getting changed and they aren't covered with clothing or socks...but she knows they are there.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Girls' Night Out

Last night was Lauren's first girls' night out. Mommy met with her "Survivor" friends to draw names for the new season that starts next Thursday! We had dinner at the new "Cascade Grill" restaurant in Albany. Good food and nice atmosphere. 3 of the 8 girls couldn't be there and missed Lauren's first restaurant experience. Mommy was a bit concerned that we might melt down but Lauren did GREAT. She sat in her carseat in the stand and played with her toys the majority of the time. We sat near the front door, so everyone oodled over her as they came by. I was very proud of her! She took a nap on the way home, but by the time we got home she was wide awake and not ready for bed. So she stayed up until 8:30 but then slept until 4 a.m.! She hasn't been sleeping that long lately. Could be because of the change of sleeping in the crib and she's just getting used to it. It was very nice, except for Biscuit was up in the middle of the night twice. If it's not one child, it's another!!

Mommy, MaryAnn, Lauren, Linda, Brandi and Sandi

Perfectly content and concentrating hard!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

On the go!

Yesterday was mommy's first official "Stay-at-home" mommy day even though she's casual at the clinics for the time-being. We had a meeting for the Linn County Tourism Coalition in Lebanon. She's been an active (or vocal) participant in the committee and has been asked to attend when we ask for funding from the commissioners next Tuesday! She's starting early in the political field. Guess mommy and daddy will just have to work to raise her on the "right" side!

It's been bright outside so mommy broke out the sunglasses for the trip. Lauren hates hats as I've said but for some reason she liked looking "cool" in her sunglasses. Maybe it's because she looked like mommy! She thought it was funny and wore them all afternoon.

She's still growing. I weighed her on the bathroom scale before her bath the other night and it was a whopping 15.5 lbs. We have her 4 month appointment next Monday so we'll see what the official scale says!

We have also graduated from the bassinet and will be on night 3 tonight of sleeping in her own room in her crib. I think it's harder on mommy than anyone else.

Monday, February 2, 2009

"Uncle Kyle" and Franki come to visit

Daddy's best friend Kyle and his wife Franki came to visit this weekend. They are expecting a baby girl of their own June 20th, so Lauren will have a BFF! "Uncle" Kyle had to help daddy install an anchor system in his boat. So us girls stayed at the house and talked about baby stuff, then took the dogs for a walk in the park. Before they left on Sunday we got a some photos of them with Lauren.