Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

With both of the girls sick, we found it hard to travel this year for Thanksgiving.  So we spent it at home this year, just the four of us.  Pretty uneventful, but we needed it to recoup and get well!

Here's a few pics I took of the girls today in their fall outfits.  I bought them with the intentions of traveling to Oregon.....but they still look stinking cute at home too!

Hope everyone is enjoying their thanksgiving with loved ones!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Halloween Photo Shoot

For Halloween this year Lauren decided to be her favority Lalaloopsy doll, Bea.  For those that don't know Bea, here's a picture of her.  She has a pet owl Lauren has named "Closey" doesn't really have a name but Lauren thinks everything should have a name and since one eye is closed....tah dah!'s Closey.  And of course who better to be Closey than her baby sister! 

So I found a photographer that was doing mini costume sessions in Oly in mid October.  (I just got the pics, that's why we are so late with these!) The girls were both sick...that's another story.  So I was disappointed in their cooperation but we got a few good shots.  Just wish our serious Miss Adalynn would have smiled it at least one....but I guess Owls are wise so she was taking her role very seriously!

So the following day I took them both to the doctor.  Lauren was diagnosed with bronchitis, bronchitis induced asthma and an ear infection.  Oh boy!  Adalynn had a cold and was teething.  And things still haven't got any better.  Lauren's been in preschool 2 months and I think has missed more days that she's attended!  Her immune system is so compromised from all the bugs, she picks up just about anything out there she comes in contact with.  YUCK.  And brings them home to share with us.  Double Yuck!  I'm hoping after Thanksgiving things will start looking up for our sweeties!