Monday, May 13, 2013

Summer in May?

The last 10 days or so have been quite nice up here!  Yes, that's right, we still have not moved. At least the weather has been bearable!  I love the next picture...not sure why. This is just something Miss A does.
 Playing a little "Peek-a-Boo" (or "Where's the baby?") outside.
 Miss A thinks her tongue is quite amusing.

 Yay....she claps at just about anything.
 Daddy bought a new slip and slide and Lauren is getting better at it this year! Would rather use some help but CAN do it by herself.
 A baby pool was needed for those 80+ days.

 "I want YOU to get in here with me!"
 We broke out the squirt guns even! Don't mess with Lauren.
"Hey mom, I think I have enough sun screen on!"
 The sprinkler even got a workout!
 And Adalynn likes sweet tea...imagine that!
So now the rain is here, so we'll be inside.  Hopefully it's short lived.  But at least mommy can get a few things done inside!

The girls at 11 months

So here's a comparison. There are days when Adalynn will make an expression that looks just like Lauren. Then there are times like this when I think they look nothing alike!  Their head shapes are so drastically different!  Plus Adalynn is so much more serious that Lauren ever was at this age.  It cracks me up.

Adalynn in April

The month of April has escaped us. But here's a few random pics from Adalynn about 10 months old.  We discovered frozen blueberries.  And when cutting those upper teeth, they came in very handy!

 Good thing we were wearing purple!
 She thought it was funny when we got Biscuit in on dress up day.  She loves to "pet" Biscuit and can sign "dog".  Too bad the feeling isn't mutual.  But that little dog will protect her to the end!  Because guess what?  Adalynn shares her food with Biscuit, sometimes even the spoon too!  Yuck.
 She likes to pull herself up where ever convenient.  The windows in our house our just the right height for this and as you can tell, she's pretty proud of the fact!
 But all of this moving and playing is exhausting and Adalynn has been known to "pass out" where ever she's at.  Whether it's the middle of the floor in the living room.....
 Who could blame her though, the sun was out!
Or maybe after a Cheerio snack in the high chair.
 Or while sitting up.....which always means you have to lay down somehow.
 On mommy in the most awkward of positions......
 Or under the table while playing with sissy....
If you don't hear her....look for her passed out somewhere! We try to put her down in her crib but it's like she's afraid she might miss out on something!  We are just THAT exciting around here!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Easter pics....a month late!

There's a saying "Better Late Than Never".  Ya, that's how I feel about this Blog lately.  Between sickness, trips to Oregon and house definitely has been the last thing on my mind. So here is our Easter Weekend which was disrupted by illness (the story of our lives). We were suppose to go to Oregon and celebrate with both sides of the family. But everyone got sick....mommy the worst. So needless to say we had a surprisingly nice weather weekend in Washington which helped us feel better!

Miss Adalynn started standing. And since then she is constantly pulling herself up and instead of getting angry when she doesn't want to stand anymore....can actually lower herself to the ground!
 While shopping at Kohl's on Saturday for Daddy some new work pants, Adalynn cut an upper tooth.  And by Sunday morning the second one broke through! So apparently all she wanted for Easter were her 2 front teeth.
 We enjoyed the nice weather.  Not super warm, but at least we could get outside!
 Lauren drew the entire family for Easter.  I love how skinny and tall she thinks I am!
 And this girl thinks she wants to go on a roller coaster!!
 Found out how to hang upside down and swing!
 The bubble gun was broke out and Adalynn wasn't sure what to think about it.
 But she ended up loving it!
 .....And laughing her butt off!
 Then she tried to eat them, like any normal kid.
 Attacking mom
 Not sure what the infatuation was with making a bubble trail but she thought it was sooooo cool!
 Adalynn started to wrinkle her nose when she smiles. 
 Bubbles covering the yard, Lauren wanted me to take this picture.
 One more smile and .......
 Ok mom enough!
 More bubbles with the Erwin side tongue for concentration!
 Then it was time to color a few eggs.  It took to long for Lauren.  We only did 7!!
 Easter morning came early!  The Easter Bunny stopped by with a flashlight at 5:45 a.m.  Good thing cause the girls are early risers too! Here's their Easter Basket openings in their PJs.
 Even though it was beautiful that morning, it was so cold you could see your breath.  So, after fighting Lauren to NOT wear her good Easter dress, this is what we compromised with.  And it was odd to egg hunt.
 One of many......
 Adalynn went with Dada and supervised sissy....she took notes for next year!
 And yet another egg! Only candy in the eggs this year....Easter Bunny was a complete slacker!
"Can someone please get me out of this thing now!" 
 Later once it warmed up, it was time for Nana's dresses. Lauren put in an order for a Belle dress from Beauty and the Beast.  Mommy found the accessories and the Nana Julie did wonders as always.  And Adalynn's dress had coordinating fabric.  So sweet!
 This was what mommy thinks was the best photo!  It wasn't easy.  And Adalynn even look a tumble out of the chair.....should have seen that coming.
 And then after 100 pictures....this is what it came too!  Adalynn playing "Where's the Baby?" with her dress and Lauren focusing on everything but the camera.  Go figure!
 Later, we caught Lauren giving daddy a push on the swing set.
 And this cutie and mommy caught some rays, but only a few!
So it was a laid back "let's get over this sickness" kind of weekend.  And even though it would have been nice to get the family together, it was still enjoyable just the four of us.