Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lauren's 8 days of Christmas

Yes, you read right. Our little Lauren had 8 days of was more of a Chanukah! The weekend before Christmas, Nana, Papa and Emmy showed up Friday evening to kick off the holiday. And since she was getting so many things, we started the presents early as to not overwhelm her. Aunt Emmy went Friday night and gave her a horsey jack-in-the-box. Lauren calls it her "meeeee" (that's her way of neighing).

Aunt Emmy tried to teach her how to do it, but at first she'd twist a little, then pop the button. No patience! She's got it down now though!

We also let her open one of ours. Daddy picked up one of the retro toys from Fischer Price....a record player. I think all of us had more fun with it. She packs it around and says "song" when she wants it to play.

She was sitting there swaying back and forth to the song.

The next day we sat around playing games awaiting the rest of the family; Beth, Samuel and Sydney. Poker anyone??

Then after dinner it was time for ripping and tearing!
"Choo Choo!" It was one of the trains from Chuggington on Disney. She's really into trains right now.

We got Samuel a few Hunter Dan accessories that he "needed"!

The big bull elk.

Lauren had to get in there and help. It became a theme.
Lauren checking to see if anyone was watching.

"The coast is clear, if only I could figure this out...."
"Now how am I suppose to close the lid....."

Sydney with her horse book we got her. She's doing 4-H this year with Shorty, so hopefully this will be helpful.

Auntie E put a little too much tape on this one.

Lauren trying to help.....but Uncle Jake was there with scissors.

And again Lauren trying to help. We got Sydney some clothes for her American Girl Doll she had asked Santa for....good thing he came through! (I ordered some and made some.)

We had a few days in between in which she opened a gift each day from mommy and daddy. Then Thursday morning, we woke up and much to our surprise, Santa had came! I swear it's because we are closer to the North Pole up here.

A Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ball.....

And more stuff that didn't fit in the stocking! Lots of movies and books....

We got ready and headed to Grandma and Grandpa's a little early. The trip down was bad because Lauren had a cold that was setting in, as well as already being on antibiotics from her second ear infection of the month. She hasn't been sick, so I guess when she gets it, she gets a good one! On arrival there was something large in the living room with a quilt placed over it.

Tah Dah! It's a giant Radio Flyer pony! That makes noise and sings a song!

Yee Haw!

Oh ya, that's how we ride......

Friday evening, mommy's friend Kerry came out to deliver presents from her family for Lauren. "A box"....Lauren was excited.

But not as excited as when she opened it! An "Olivia" DVD was inside!

Then it was time for present #2......a Snow White baby doll.

Christmas morning came and mommy didn't get her camera out until the end. Lauren had a great time because she got to open or help open everyone elses present. Here she is helping Daddy with a new game for the family.
We left the next day to help recouperate from illness. The whole family had sore throats and needed to evacuate Grandma and Grandpa's. We are on the mend and hoping for health for New Years! Hope you all had a great holiday!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Lauren's Tree

Here's a picture of Lauren's Christmas Tree. Daddy and I picked it out since she fell asleep on the way there. Plus it was pouring and she was getting over an ear infection, so she shouldn't have been out there any way! She loves it and it has to always have the lights on as long as she's awake. It's about 8.5 feet tall....we could go a bit taller next year!

Here she is dancing in front of the tree....we were trying to get one more good picture but someone wouldn't stand still. I guess the new leg warmers mommy bought just make her want to dance!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Visit to see Santa

Today we made our way to the big city of Olympia to visit the Big Guy....Santa Claus. Now I have to say, Santa has lots of helpers that work for him throughout the season....otherwise he'd never get everything done that he has to before Christmas Eve. But I really think this is THE one! Maybe its because we are that much closer to the North Pole now!

When we arrived there were a couple of babies ahead of us getting their photo taken. Lauren was freshly awake from a nap but she was a little hesitant nevertheless. Once it was her turn though, she wanted out of the stroller! Santa was waving at her and she went running! He helped her onto his lap and she started jabbering away. Not sure what she was saying but they were having a conversation. Then the ladies wanted to start taking pictures and Lauren just looked at them like "Um, hello, can't you see we're busy!" Finally she turned Dougie over to mommy and gave the girls a smile. Super cute!

As long as I have your address, you'll be getting you're own copy in the mail! Just what everyone wants, right?? A picture of our kid with Santa?? Thought so!

Her dress was her Cousin Sydney's when she was Lauren size. She got many "Ohhh how sweet!" and "She's adorable!" in the mall!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mommy's little liar!

Lauren has learned a new trick. Lying. And she's pretty blatant about it. It started a couple of weeks ago when I caught her red-handed in her bathroom using her bath color crayons on the white doors. I asked her if she was coloring on the doors and she said "nooooo" with the purple crayon in her hand! And then as I was cleaning it off, she said "Oh no, lolor!" (She can't say color yet) She said it as if she was shocked that there was color marks on her bathroom doors!

A couple days ago, I noticed her pants with a little bulge. I asked her if she had pooped her pants. She said "Noooooo, Dougie pooh." Somehow she thought she could blame her snuggle horse blanket Douglas for the "present" she left in her pants.

And finally, today she said "Mama, Mama, LOOK!" And she was pointing outside. I said "What?" and went to the window. Lauren said "Elephant!" Trust me, there wasn't an elephant OR anything for that matter! Now that could have just been her imagination working overtime, but she was pretty insistant that there was an elephant and argued with me for a good 15 minutes! Regardless, right now her lies are pretty funny!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lauren's first true snow day!

Yesterday, Lauren and I played outside in the snow. This was really the first time that she was able to play in the white stuff! She was pretty apprehensive at first. Here she is not sure if she should take a step off the deck.

"Mom, are you sure it's ok?"


In complete amazement.

"I like it!"

At the top of a small mound of dirt on the property....I think she thought she'd climbed a mountain!

Biscuit even enjoyed the snow!

More running....notice she's not even on the ground!

She blended in so well!

Lauren did a big circle and wound up back on the deck. I had to coax her back out into the yard, where she finally took a handful of snow!

And plop, she sat down!

And picked up more snow.

She decided she liked mommy's hat better so we switched....and she started digging in the snow like a dog!

She even said "dig, dig, dig" as she worked!

More digging.....

And finally the grass......

We had a few sun breaks while we played but they didn't last long.

I found Biscuit taking a break under the tree. She was I made her go inside to get warmed up! Poor dog! And to think she was suppose to get a hair cut yesterday!

At one point Lauren said she wanted to go in the house.....not the main house but her house!

Then we had a snowball fight!

She finally got off the deck, ran up to me, slammed the snowball against my leg.....

.....and said "GOT YOU!" as she pointed!

We made a snow man.

She patted more snow on him. Lauren picked out rocks for eyes and a nose. We got out great grandpa's hat and pipe to finish him off.

Saying "cheese" for mommy in front of her first snow man.
Shortly after this, Lauren was continuing to pat snow on "monkey" (hey, that's what she called him) and fell into him making him a tad unstable. We went inside to take a nap and he fell down within the hour. When she got up, she was distraught. She is still going to the window this morning saying "fall" with her sad voice. Not sure if he'll get fixed or not. It's 24 degrees this morning and it's only suppose to get colder. The windchill north of us makes it in the single digits and it's making it's way south. I measured the snow this morning since it was still falling last night and we have 4.5 inches. So it would be a shame to not try to play in it again! Stay warm! We have the wood stove working over time!