Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lauren's first true snow day!

Yesterday, Lauren and I played outside in the snow. This was really the first time that she was able to play in the white stuff! She was pretty apprehensive at first. Here she is not sure if she should take a step off the deck.

"Mom, are you sure it's ok?"


In complete amazement.

"I like it!"

At the top of a small mound of dirt on the property....I think she thought she'd climbed a mountain!

Biscuit even enjoyed the snow!

More running....notice she's not even on the ground!

She blended in so well!

Lauren did a big circle and wound up back on the deck. I had to coax her back out into the yard, where she finally took a handful of snow!

And plop, she sat down!

And picked up more snow.

She decided she liked mommy's hat better so we switched....and she started digging in the snow like a dog!

She even said "dig, dig, dig" as she worked!

More digging.....

And finally the grass......

We had a few sun breaks while we played but they didn't last long.

I found Biscuit taking a break under the tree. She was shaking....so I made her go inside to get warmed up! Poor dog! And to think she was suppose to get a hair cut yesterday!

At one point Lauren said she wanted to go in the house.....not the main house but her house!

Then we had a snowball fight!

She finally got off the deck, ran up to me, slammed the snowball against my leg.....

.....and said "GOT YOU!" as she pointed!

We made a snow man.

She patted more snow on him. Lauren picked out rocks for eyes and a nose. We got out great grandpa's hat and pipe to finish him off.

Saying "cheese" for mommy in front of her first snow man.
Shortly after this, Lauren was continuing to pat snow on "monkey" (hey, that's what she called him) and fell into him making him a tad unstable. We went inside to take a nap and he fell down within the hour. When she got up, she was distraught. She is still going to the window this morning saying "fall" with her sad voice. Not sure if he'll get fixed or not. It's 24 degrees this morning and it's only suppose to get colder. The windchill north of us makes it in the single digits and it's making it's way south. I measured the snow this morning since it was still falling last night and we have 4.5 inches. So it would be a shame to not try to play in it again! Stay warm! We have the wood stove working over time!

Monday, November 22, 2010

More snow!

So it has stopped this morning. Snow has covered everything. I measure the picnic table and there is 3.5 inches. It's very cold (34 degrees) but pretty. Suppose to snow some more this evening, then stop for tomorrow but only warm up to a whopping 25!! Can't believe the weather guys got it right!

Thought I'd show you the progress from yesterday....definitely whiter!
We are killing some time indoors...trying to wait for daddy to play in the snow. Not sure if we are going to make it!! Lauren showing us her horsemanship skills.....
in the closet!!

Lastly I thought I'd show you my Rosemary plant.....hope it makes it!!

Stay tuned for snow pics! I just bought Lauren a used pair of bib overall snowpants! Phew! Just in time!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


It's true....the Arctic cold front has hit Shelton! We only have about a 1/2 inch. Sounds like we have more expected, up to 3 inches tomorrow. We'll see how right they are!

Here's a couple pics of the house; the front and the backyard. It's 35 degrees...so if there's any precipitation.....chances are they will be right and we'll have more snow! Looks like Lauren and I know what we are doing tomorrow!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Last weekend

Last weekend we made the long trek to the Ranch for elk season. Mommy is still considered an Oregon resident for hunting, so we took it in one last time before it costs an arm and a leg! However, no luck. Oh well. The elusive Wapiti lives another day!

I took very few pictures which was a little shocking. Here's Miss Lauren visiting with Shorty. She was really into the ponies. She even sported her Carhartt's for the ranch visit.

Here Lauren is giving Straight Shot a kiss. The ponies were really eating up the attention.

Cousin Sydney and Lauren. Lauren liked for Cousin Syd to push her around in the stroller. And she got a juicebox! What a combination!

Sydney wanted me to take her picture next to the newly painted horse trailer. Sydney is a member of the 4-H team this year and is riding Shorty for events. She's pretty excited about it and couldn't wait to show me "her" trailer!

It was good to see everyone even though we were unsuccessful.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Yesterday Lauren and mommy hunted for Halloween Treats while daddy was hunting for elk. We found ourselves in a little crossroads of a town, Union, WA. Festivities started at 1 p.m. But Lauren was ready for a nap so we headed out early so she could catch some zzzz's. She woke up with 40 minutes to kill, so we got some Mexican food at "2 Margaritas". Good food and right on the Sound.

Here's Lauren enjoying herself. The place had these bright colored chairs and booths that looked hand carved and painted.

Once finished, it was time for the Trick o' Treat event down the road. The place was called "Robin Hood Restaurant and Pub". They had little cottages that the locals and businesses decorated and gave out candy to the kids.

This is the first stop, which had a ton of bubbles (one person was working really hard!).

Bubbles are one of Lauren's favorite things!

Can you tell who we are suppose to be? Ok, so she didn't have braids because her hair is not long enough and she's missing the ruby red slippers....but c'mon people! Everyone kept thinking she was Alice in Wonderland! Huh??? I guess they both have blue and white dresses. And Alice character costumes were extremely popular this year, we saw a TON of the Queen of Hearts.

Can you tell now that we've lost the jacket? She was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. Nana made it for Sydney when she was little.

Hamming it up for the camera...as always! The lady with the Visitor's group asked to use Lauren's picture....she thought she was the most adorable little thing!

Lauren scored a few pieces of candy and a glowstick and water squirter fish from the radio station crew. It was perfect for her since she doesn't say "Trick or Treat" and doesn't understand the concept. She was just into all the kids!

Union is right on the sound, so we got a few pics while the weather was still good!

We headed home before it got dark and hung out. No trick or treaters....but we stayed nice and warm with a fire! Hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween!