Wednesday, March 12, 2014

February Snow storm

The beginning February started off with a snow storm. We had over 9 inches in Brownsville in a 2 day stretch. Then freezing rain on top of it and we lost power for about 8 hours on day 3. After the first 4 inches on day 1, we went out to play. This was Adalynn's first time in the snow. I have some video interviews with her to download later if I can figure out how to from my fancy new iPhone. The one line I didn't get on video involved her being angry with mommy for putting her in the snow. Funny, however she used a semi-curse word that made it not so cute!

But the following photos are why I love my new camera and would love to just take pictures forever!

Happy New's your new house keys!

So as most of you should know by now, Jake took a job back in Oregon a whole year ago! Well it took us almost that entire time to sell our WA house, move and find/buy a new place. (Actually I think there's still a box or 2 needing unpacked.) We did find a place back in Brownsville. Not ideal but definitely has potential with some $$ and manual labor. We've had to downsize in many aspects of our "collection" over the last few years, but it feels more and more like home every day! I have taken some before pictures but not really ready for the after pictures quite yet. Hopefully soon though. But here are the happy girls on the day we got our keys!! They have definitely settled in. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

December; Quick Recap

I'm going to make a valiant attempt to get the blog back up and going. Internet is slow Browntucky, new computer isn't blog compatible so I'm on the dinosaur and my new camera shoots such large files that it won't download them without major finessing! Not sure how long it'll last, but here it goes....... 

Quick December rundown.

Saw Santa. Best picture we got.
Otherwise it was this.....
We were living in Harrisburg in the duplex during the December snow storm. It was in the teens, so we only stayed out for literally 10 minutes at a time. And yes, she's in a sweatshirt, but that was her 4th layer. 
A snow angel and then back inside. Adalynn was sick during this snow storm, so we played while she napped.
During the snow, Daddy made "Daddy cookies" aka chocolate chip. And he always manages to make one the size of a plate.
Eating it like pizza...
 We also scored a beautiful Christmas Tree from the Harrisburg School tree lot for $20. Adalynn loved the lights.
 Once the snow melted, we had our preschool program/potluck that had to be rescheduled. Adalynn was pretty excited for the party! 
 Lauren with some classmates, while singing 1 of 3 songs.
 This was pre "flashing". Oh yes, she did. Embarrassed, yes.
 The coordinating dresses Nana made.
 Lauren with her "bestie" Evelyn.
 We also had to make it to Storytime, since our preschool field trip was cancelled do to snow.
 Adalynn playing peek-a-bo around the post.
 Our babysitter Carley joined us! Love her. So glad we are back in Oregon! Lauren insisted on giving her the Mary Poppins DVD for Christmas.
 Adalynn actually is loving her now too! And she doesn't love too many people!
 Mommy and her girls in front of the Nemo display.
 Another Santa. And this year we had to have the discussion about Santa's helper Santas, since there were too many and some days we saw more than one. But we have it sorted out. And somehow mommy always times it for the real one for the Christmas dress pictures. I have the big guy on speed dial I guess.
 Outside for a sister picture.
 We also hit the mall to see the reindeer....hence the extra Santa.
 Christmas came and went this year. Probably because we were literally trying to close on our house. Lauren had Charlie Brown stories read to her by Gram Gram.
Adalynn got a new Bubble Guppy rocking chair and her size Elmo.
 Santa listened to Lauren and she scored her American Girl doll.  (BTW, it still doesn't have a name nor does it get played with as much as she said she would.)
 Nana made her and the doll matching Elsa dresses from the movie Frozen.
And that's pretty much December. We signed papers for our house on the 27th and with holidays, weekends, paperwork glitches and all kinds of drama, we finally closed on the 31st. 
Happy New Year to us!