Monday, April 9, 2012

Playing Catch-up

Mommy has deeply neglected the blog in the past few months, so I figured I'd use this opportunity to catch everyone up with a few random pictures and updates.

Over the winter months Lauren took a liking to baking. However the only 2 things she liked to do were add the chocolate chips and eat the cookies.....everything else was left up to mommy or daddy. Since mommy has been tired most of this pregnancy, daddy took over the baking duties and now Lauren loves her some "Daddy cookies". And yes, I still let my child eat a little dough.

We had a brief experience with Gymnastics in January and February. The expectations of the staff at Alley-Oop in Oly was not achievable for a 3-year-old. So after weeks of disappointment and frustration, mommy spoke to the owner and cleared the air about why we wouldn't be back. They were at least appreciative about my honesty because apparently they don't know how their own staff is running each program. Let's just say teenagers should not be allowed to teach this age group!

In January, we attended the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation was a brief appearance. This was a learning experience for all of us and we really need to find a babysitter for events like this!

Lauren is still napping just about anywhere. We had a short time frame that she had decided she was too big for naps, but the busier we are, the more a nap is needed. She is doing better about sleeping through the night without night terrors which is pleasing to her tired mommy, especially with baby sister on the way. However, she is still the "8 hours is enough" sleep at night kid.

We made a couple trips in March to Memaw and Papa's house to watch some Beaver baseball. The first weekend, it was really cold so we only made it to most of the first Friday night game. Here she is cheesing it up with her Beaver hat I found at Gymboree. Too perfect for this OSU family.

The next series, we made it to the Saturday game, which was beautiful weather. I actually put sunscreen on Lauren because I was a little worried about her fair skin! The best part was that she got to see her buddy Benny. She loves Benny. She had to show him her little Benny and give him a pound (knuckles).

On the way down to Oregon the second time, we stopped in Portland so Daddy could have a meeting Friday. Mommy and Lauren hooked up with a former Mom's Clubber Carrie and her daughter Anna who was in our playgroup until they moved back to Portland. We met up at Bridgeport, did a little shopping at Gymboree, ate some lunch at PF Chang's and dessert at Yogurtland. It was perfect timing and so nice to see them.

This month we started a brief session of swim lessons. After our gymnastics debacle, mom was a little hesitant to try something else. But Discovery Aquatics is a dream so far. The pics below are from her "evaluation" to see what level she can be in and whether mommy needed to be in the pool too. She is on to individual lessons and really likes it.

Patiently waiting her turn for her evaluation. Didn't know she knew was "patient" meant but apparently she does when it doesn't involve mommy!

With the instructor.

Dog's a start!

Her first lesson was last week, figured it would be nice to start prior to the birth of her sister and summer. It ended up being a private lesson which is fantastic! We'll revisit continuing in July or so, but this was a Living Social Deal we wanted to try. Lessons are more expensive than Oregon.....almost double for only 4 lessons instead of 10.

In September Lauren will be starting Preschool in Olympia. After multiple visits, asking Mom's Clubbers and scowering the internet, we chose Westwood Preschool. It's held at the Baptist Church less than 20 minutes from our house, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-11:30. It was probably the most organized, clean, age appropriate preschool we visited and mommy walked away with a good feeling about it. So after stressing out about it for the entire month of February, I am at peace with this decision.

So I think I've caught you up now. Stayed tuned for the arrival of the newest Groves in May. Hope this finds everyone well!