Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pickin' Wild Flowers

Thought I'd share a super cute picture of Miss Lauren that I enhanced enjoying the weather in the grape hyacinths. I think this one will need to be enlarged for the wall! Too bad the weather didn't last longer....a taste of spring I guess. It will be back!

The honey bees sure were out. Lauren thought they were very interesting and scared mommy half to death when she started to try and catch them. Thank goodness they are quick!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Little Lady? You be the judge.

Her shirt says "Daddy's Little Lady", but the events of today were less than lady-like.

This is where she decided to sunbathe....not too horrible, just filthy.

Her less than lady-like curling of her upper lip....a mommy I guess she's not the only non-lady-like person in this family.

How she decided to go down the slide today....definitely not lady-like. Thank goodness she was wearing pants.

I turn my back for one minute and....

....I find her digging in a flower pot. Thankfully it's not full of flowers yet!

Oops...forgot to mention that she ATE the dirt as well.

Friday, March 19, 2010


As I continue to say, Lauren would rather be outside than inside, so we had some playtime in the backyard. It was all good until someone decided to put rocks in her mouth. After mutiple episodes of being told no, a minor paddling and a complete meltdown.....we had to go inside. We had some meatloaf and went to take a nap because she NEEDED one!

Taking a pic of herself......

We have also been coloring lately. It lasts for a little while as long as mommy colors too. Then she tries to bite the tips off the crayons.....and those get put away too.

She definitely needs to work on her technique.....she doesn't understand what the lines are for!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Spaghetti monster!

Lauren loves her pasta and she wouldn't be related to her mother if she didn't! She sat and ate spaghetti and meatballs last night. Very little hit the floor which was disappointing to Biscuit and there is evidence a lot went in her mouth! She was a mess and had a bath immediately.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Lauren's rough weekend.....

So it was a beautiful 66 degree day on Saturday.....and of course Lauren wanted to play outside. Well we were outside, playing whiffle ball, kicking the ball around (she's got great dribbling control!), chasing bubbles....the usual. Daddy got out the golf clubs to see if she has any skills like Tiger (minus the infidelity). Well, the clubs were a little long and she needs them cut off, but she was still dragging them around the yard. She happened up on the patio and somehow got tangled up in one, tripped and fell, completely kissing the concrete. Ouch.

You can see the road rash on her nose, still evident today. Doesn't look as bad as I feel it does. Poor thing.

What a way to turn 17 months! She ended up sleeping with mom and dad because she was pretty swollen and both of us were worried about her breathing if it got any worse. She woke up a little puffy, red-nosed like Rudolph and a little bit of a black eye.

But she did learn. We were outside today and she tripped over her bubble wand. She definitely didn't kiss the concrete as she caught herself and kept her face off the ground....thank goodness!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Putting the kid to work!

Yesterday, Lauren and mommy went to the hospital to have lunch with mommy's friend Erin. Erin took Lauren to see the fish ponds in the Healing Garden which Lauren enjoyed. And she was dressed up, so everyone on staff kept telling her how pretty she was. We thought we'd get to see Grandma, but she was busy in a meeting. But Lauren knows Grandma's office, and that Grandma lets her punch the keyboard. So of course she knew exactly what to do!

People walked by and thought it was funny to see Lauren in my mom's desk and on the phone. She was actually jibberjabbing like she was on a call. At one point she had the phone tucked under her ear and both hands on the keyboard....a total Grandma look. Very funny!

We figure that with both mom and I in the system, Lauren should be able to be grandfathered in as an employee....but I'm going to shoot for doctor for her! Mom was 16, I was 15, so what if Lauren is only 1!!! Dang those Labor Laws! Plus all 3 of us were born there....why not!!??

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Here fishy fishy!

On Sunday, neighbor Jake came over and asked if we wanted to go with him to feed his dad's fish at the pond. Weather was great, so why not. His dad had a pond dug out and it's at least an acre. It was stocked with a ton of 8-12 inch trout a few weeks ago, so the fish need fed every day. We followed Jake out there and then jumped in his truck to go 4-wheeling to the pond.

Here's daddy and Lauren checking out the fish after neighbor Jake threw out the pellets.
Some of the trout splashing around. I didn't have the good camera, so the photos are a bit delayed. Some of them looked liked keepers!

Lauren found the mud to be more fun! I'm sure that it wasn't all "mud" she was playing in. The cows are in the field too!

What's all that noise?

Oh it's those funny fish.

The closest I could get to a smile while playing in the mud.

Below Lauren's rockin' the wind blown muddy look in back seat of the truck. On the way out to the pond, I joked "We're going 4-wheelin'? we get stuck!" It was a little muddy creek and definitely not something neighbor Jake would get stuck in! Lauren shouted out in perfect timing "OH NO!" It made us all laugh!

Lauren was invited back when she gets a little older to go fishing. Neighbor Jake's dad built the pond in hopes to have outdoor days with the grandkids fishing....however he doesn't have any! So Lauren will have to substitute!