Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Elusive Wapiti

Last weekend we headed to the Point to due some elk hunting. But once again, the elusive Wapiti got away. We saw some from far away, but lost them by the time we got to them. Found them the next day, but on private property. Oh well....there's always next year!

But while we were down there we were able to visit Kyle, Franki and Baby Noni for dinner Friday night. Kyle's parents came over as well, so it was great to see the entire family. Franki cooked a wonderful meal which Lauren even approved! She even had her own dish of chocolate mousse.

Lauren was a little confused. Noni really wasn't interested in her, so Lauren decided to wonder around the house getting into things. Thankfully they are used to Noni's cousin being there and were extremely baby proof!

We couldn't get the two of them to smile at the same time. I think they were still feeling each other out at this point.

Lauren tried to show Noni how to operate the toys on her exersaucer, but Noni seemed to already have a good grasp of understanding there!

Lauren took a nap before dinner in front of their fake fireplace. It was pretty cute though. She'd played hard the night before with the cousins and that day with Cousin Sam in Coos Bay.

Mommy took a sun set photo on top of Gold Brick looking for elk. Daddy informed her that pictures are for after the kill....however, that never happened and isn't it a pretty view from up here! Who could blame me.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Lauren received color crayons and a sketch pad from her friend Carson for her birthday. She has finally gained a little more understanding that the crayons are not to be eaten or used on walls/floors. She has coloring time in her high chair for this reason....supervised coloring. She is pretty proud of herself once she makes a small scribble on the she claps to let everyone else know as well.

After she was done, mommy let her have the red crayon on the floor.....bad idea. It was slobbered and chewed and ate. Good thing they are nontoxic these days! So no, she's not ready for unsupervised coloring!