Monday, July 22, 2013

Slip and Slidding for Adalynn

So Adalynn took her first ride on a slip and slide yesterday. Do you think she liked it??
 Then she decided she didn't need any help and would rather just run down it herself.   
 Our little dare devil.  Lauren wouldn't have even thought about it, let alone tried it.  Not this one.
Lauren has finally caught on with how this thing works and actually played in it for quite awhile.
This one is a little out of focus but you can see how much velocity she can get with a little help! She crashed in the grass but got back up and did it again. It's only taken her 4 years!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Fourth of July weekend

So we are moved out of Washington and got official word that the house closed on July 3rd. So the majority of our 4th was spent relaxing and waiting on a For Sale By Owner (who decided not to sell).  Here's Lauren playing with the water table I bought mostly for Adalynn!
 We did a few fireworks, but Lauren hates them. So it didn't take long for the show to be over.  We had a couple of ones from Washington that shoot out parachuting aliens.  However this one looked more like an astronaut. 
 Friday was date night, so the girls got to stay with a babysitter.  It's been forever since we were able to do that!  Then Saturday we got up and went to the coast.  Gorgeous day.
Adalynn's first trip to the coast and of course Bald Baby went along (this is technically sister's BB, but Adalynn doesn't care!). 
 Lauren had been begging to play in the sand!
 Having a blast!
 The gorgeous weather!
 Doing a little kite flying.


 Lauren's sand castle.  We had to be out of the majority of the wind for Adalynn, so the sand wasn't ideal, but she made the most of it!
 I think everyone had a great time.
Here's a few pictures of our Smiley 1 year old back at Meema and Papa's.

So that's what we've been up too. Busily house hunting. Right now we have switched gears and are looking for a rental. We may have something and will know hopefully soon. Fingers crossed.


Before we left Washington, mommy had another coupon for portraits at JC Penny. So of course we had to use it.  So in the middle of packing, we took a timeout, got dolled up and went to Oly. 
 Adalynn's 1 year photo. Bald Baby (yes that's her name) was a must for the photo shoot!
Big Sister!  She of course had to have her Bald Baby too (that's the original).
The pictures turned out great!  Definitely wall hangers for our new home (wherever that may be!).