Sunday, March 29, 2009

Carson came to play

Mommy's friend Erin came over on Saturday with her little guy Carson (aka Phyllis) to play. Carson is a very busy body since he is 15 months and walking. He was OK with Lauren as long as his mommy wasn't holding her. And he was infatuated with poking her in the children were harmed! Anything Carson handed her went into her mouth. It was a good learning experience to find out what needs baby proofed for the toddling phase!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Some cute pics from the week

This week we packed away most of our 3-6 month clothes....a few she is still squeezing into! We found a few cute outfits that Lauren can finally wear, but a couple of shirts make her poor budda belly just look silly! And her 6-9 month jeans are pretty uncomfortable unless she's standing or laying down. So needless to say I don't think she will be in 6 month outfits for very long!

Grandma had us take her swing home since it's a little bigger! She likes to have the tray off so she can touch her toes...but only with supervision.

Daddy bought his girls flowers last week. After they wilted I was going to throw them away and Miss Lauren kept grabbing at them. So I took the petals off a couple of the roses and let her play with them. (Don't worry, I figured they weren't good for baby's to eat so they never touched her mouth even though she made a valiant attempt! And her hands were wiped immediately following.) She made a mess! But it was cute so of course I took pictures!

She is rolling over pretty well now. So when she was done playing with the petals she rolled over into them. She seems happy in the picture, but grunted when mommy picked up the petals and threw them away. (BTW - This picture really makes her hair look red...hmmmmmm.)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Trip to the park with the Cousin

Cousin Syd, Nana and Papa came to visit today and are staying tonight. Papa and Daddy went to the Beaver baseball game and plan to go again tomorrow. So Cousin Syd, Nana, Lauren and I went to the park while they went to the game.

We snuck into the Croquet field that is full of daffodils this spring for a few cute pics.

Lauren really likes her jogging stroller now that she can sit up straight. It was a nice day but chilly.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lauren's first Beaver baseball game

Lauren attended her first OSU baseball game today. Daddy and Papa have season tickets. And since Papa couldn't make the home opener, mommy and Lauren decided to take his place. We made it through nearly 5 full innings before daddy decided it was getting to cold for her. Plus she was really tired and every time she was close to nodding off in my arms, the crowd would cheer and she would pop awake! When we decided to go the score was 1-0 Beavers...and as we were leaving they scored another 4 runs! The Beavers won vs. Utah Valley 7-0. Go Beavers!

Lauren's first photo with Benny Beaver....or as Daddy calls him "Scooby Doo". The new Benny is a little odd looking compared to when we were kids!

Mommy and Lauren sporting the shades! It was 62 degrees but overcast and a little breezy. So we tried to stay covered up. She liked the front pack...being able to see everyone and the action of the game kept her very entertained!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Busy Baby

Lauren has been a very busy baby lately. Even less napping than before, which wasn't much to start with. She constantly needs to be doing something. I told our pediatrician that she was eating 4 oz of formula every 2 hours. But the days that we left the house, she'd go 4 to 4.5 hours without eating. They explained to me that there is a thing called "bored eating." Great! So we are needing to plan more activities out of the house. Water babies will be a nice one! They did tell me to up her to 6 oz at a feeding and that has seemed to help as well.

This weekend she played a lot. She's strong enough now to press her drums and create music. These are some pics. She's not quite sitting up on her own but she tries very hard. We are going to try to sit her up with help of her boppy. The Bumbo seat has been great, but I don't think she's gaining much muscle because she doesn't have to work to sit up. But she really likes to make music and even acts like she sings during some songs! And she gets very frustrated when she tips over!

This is a pic of her in a snowsuit from one of my cousins! It reminds daddy of "The Christmas Story" and the bunny suit Ralphie gets from his aunt! It's been good for traveling in the jogging stroller which she is now able to sit up in. We toodled around the mall this weekend in it! So we have upgraded from using the cocoon in the jogger which has been a life saver this winter (thank you Hitner family!).

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Our big 5 month old!

Last Friday Miss Lauren turned 5 months old! So with 6 months just around the corner and summer hopefully on it's way....we have signed up for a mommy and me Water Babies class in Corvallis at the Osbourn Aquatic Center. I've heard it's the best and since we have to commute no matter where we go, why not go to the best one! So yesterday we visited the pool and got into a Friday class at 10 a.m. that runs for 10 weeks. They instructed mommy that Lauren has to have a reusable swim diaper, so to make matters easy mommy bought one at the pool. However, it was a task finding her size. First they asked me how much she weighs....I said well one month ago she was 14 pounds. So they got out the size we assumed would fit. It was a small and for 6 month old. I couldn't get it over her badonkadonk! So we got out the next size and it cut off the circulation around her thighs!!!! So we ended up getting a LARGE which is for 18 months and 22-25 pounds. HUH? I think their measuring system is off!

"Uncle" Kevin stopped by last night and hung out. So Miss Lauren got to stay up LATE! She took about a 1.5 hour nap in the evening, but then stayed up until 10:30. "Uncle" Kevin said this morning "Does that kid ever make a peep?" I answered, "What! You didn't hear her whail at 12:30 a.m.??" "Apparently not," he said. Obviously "Uncle" Kevin doesn't have kids!

Miss Lauren in her exersaucer. She loves this thing!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Our giggling girl!

Last week Lauren started doing a really funny laugh/giggle. This video I did later in the evening. But earlier, she was laughing hysterically while daddy was holding her and mommy was chasing them. She also sat in her megasaucer and mommy did some fake Taebo moves at her which she thought that was REALLY funny. It's a blast to watch her personality come out. We were up early this morning to go to a chamber meeting. She's such a good baby and everyone always comments on how happy she is. Meltdowns happen though, especially when mommy is not in sight! There is definitely a temper behind that calm demeanour!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Snow in March??

Daddy and I had both wanted to take Lauren to the snow this weekend but we didn't have to look far. Both yesterday and this morning we woke up to snow in Brownsville! There was about an inch yesterday and today it was more frozen hail that had covered the ground last night. But it snowed this morning for a couple of hours. Just the normal wet valley snow that doesn't amount to anything and thaws before it accumulates. But Lauren liked to watch it out the window from her megasaucer. She thought it was funny.

Monday morning's snow in the back yard!

Miss Lauren laughing at the snow falling!

What is that?? Brrrr it's cold out here!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A girl after mommy's heart!

So our satellite hasn't been receiving ABC for the last 2 months (some dumb disagreement with DISH and Fisher Communications), which is disappointing to mommy because some of her favorite shows are on there. But Tuesday I figured out that they are on! So I spent most of the day getting caught up on Desperate Housewives. Lauren seemed to be enthusiastically involved! She even decided to get a bit more comfortable. All she needed was the popcorn. Don't worry she only watched a few minutes each time. But it was pretty cute. So far she likes Desperate Housewives, football (NFL or college) and UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championships). She also watched a few minutes of Horton Hears a Who yesterday. I think it was the bright colors and animation that had her intrigued.

Monday, March 2, 2009

It's been awhile....

I know I haven't been updating as frequently as I have been. So here's the update. Lauren seems to be hungrier lately, so we are transitioning away from breastfeeding. She's taking to formula fairly well. She went to bed at 8:30 last night and didn't get up until Daddy did at 5:45 this morning. She seems to be a little fuller. She's almost 5 months old now, which I wanted to make it to 6....but it doesn't seem like that is going to be possible. It will definitely be nice to start her on rice cereal and some baby food in another month.

Here's some photos of her after she fell asleep in her "giddy up". Poor thing was playing hard!

She's definitely growing and gaining more control of her hands. She giggles occassionally which is really cute. She still hasn't rolled over consistently, maybe a hand full of times. But really, there's no need for her too! Sometimes we have mouth-foaming fits....she's become pretty acustomed to having mommy within ear shot. Lauren's not sitting up on her own, but that's not because she's not trying!! She really likes mommy's water glass and busted her nose on it this last weekend. Not a happy camper. Still no teeth. And because she's not on her tummy a lot, she's not crawling. She'd much rather stand, which she does quite well with help.

Here she is trying to get to her toes! She'd much rather be sockless and pantless these days!