Monday, July 30, 2012

More comparisons

Some comparisons......

Adalynn just yesterday in an outfit Dave and Susie Cook bought Lauren.
Lauren in the same outfit.  Lauren was about 5 weeks at this point, so the comparison isn't for age, just to see who pulls off the outfit better!
 Adalynn in the Bumbo chair at 2 months
 Lauren in the Bumbo chair at 2 months
 They have similarities but they have their differences too!

Park Day

Last week we went to the Mom's Club park day at Decatur Park in Oly.  We were fashionably late....10 minutes.  But still the first ones there!  So this is what we did while we waited for some others to show up!  Adalynn hung out in the stroller in the shade.  Sunny yes, but barely.  It was foggy and damp that morning when we left home. sad that no one else was there to play.  So she teetered with Mickey Mouse instead.

But two other moms showed up even more fashionably late than it was all good and the kids were running and playing together in no time!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Brownie Night

Last night was a brownie baking kind of night.  We'd been promising Lauren we'd bake brownie for over a week but something always came up.  So last night, the brownie baking occurred.  This is what happens to the spatula and bowl post brownies going into the oven.

 Giving me her best Papa Eddie face....she was trying not to laugh.
 All cleaned up and passed out ready for bed.  Notice Dougie is still her buddy and a must especially if she's upset.  Adalynn has a dog Douglas Toy Company snuggler.  Lauren's already named it Douglas for her little sister.  Awesome right?  Way too similar.
 While Lauren passes out.....Adalynn's ready to party!  During the day, this is the story of my life.  One is up, the other naps.  And Lauren has been weaning herself off of the naps occasionally.  Dang the bad luck!

Tummy Time Fiasco

So at Adalynn's last appointment we were told to start tummy time. She has done so well about holding her head up from day 1, especially when up on mommy's shoulder to burp, it hasn't been a big concern.  But we did what the doctor asked of us.  You be the judge....
If you guessed Adalynn hates tummy time, you are correct.  We tried just on the blanket, and she just nuzzles her face in it like she's trying to nurse before getting angry.  Then we got out the propped up tummy time mat that spins, and this is the result.  Hate isn't even the right word.

Quick but productive

Last weekend we made a quick Oregon trip with Daddy while he attended the "Cut Down Cancer" golf tournament for work.  So our Friday was filled with visitors and visiting.

Before the day got started, Adalynn did some napping in the big girl swing.  She likes it I think more than we'll be stealing it on our next trip!
Libby and her girls stopped by about 9.  Trying to get all the girls to look at the camera and smile at the same time was virtually impossible.  Here were the attempts:
 This one cracked me up!  Amelia was stealing the show from big sister Evelyn.
We took the opportunity to try and get a picture of the girls together. 

Carley and her daughter Allison stopped by about noon.
 A little after that, Nana Julie and Emmy came by as they were in the valley for the evening. (Oops on getting absolutely no pictures while they were there!)  But we'll see them again soon.

Then Meema took the afternoon off and we ran up to see Gram Gram so she could meet Baby Adalynn.  Love these next few pics.
 Gram Gram talking to Adalynn and Adalynn taking it all in.
 Trying to get Miss Lauren to cooperate for a picture wasn't easy, so this is as good as it gets!  She was tired...only got a short nap in the car and with all the morning company she was WORE out!
 This was the best picture of Gram Gram and Adalynn.  Yes, Lauren is cropped out because she had her eyes rolled back in her head and it looked bizarre.  But at least we got a good one of Gram Gram and her newest Great Granddaughter together!


Adalynn has really taken a liking to her massage chair.  Whether inside or outside.  She smiles in it.....
 Sleeps in it.......
 Makes a Papa Eddie face in it...
 Puts up her dukes.....
 Sister sunbathes while Adalynn sits in the shade.  The weather hasn't been that warm for water fun lately.
 Adalynn's serious "all business" look.
 A little grin peeks out....
Lauren had to get in on the picture taking activities!

The Great Great's visit

A couple weekends ago, Great Great Aunt Hazel (mommy's Grandfather's sister) and Great Great Uncle Harold made a day trip down from Port Angeles to meet Miss Adalynn.  It was so good to see them.  Uncle Harold teased Lauren that he was going to take Baby Adalynn home with him.  She was NOT amused! 
To try to get Lauren to look at the camera and get everyone to keep their eyes open is turning out to NOT be an easy task!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Adalynn's 2 month check up

Adalynn is 2 months old today.  Time seems to be flying by.  We had a doctor's appointment and she had 3 shots and 1 oral.  Ugh.  Lauren tried to stop them yelling, "Noooo!  You can't hurt my baby!  That'll make her cry!"  But much to her dismay she was outnumbered.  While Adalynn screamed Lauren sat with her hands over her ears in horror.  From now on Adalynn's shot appointments will take place during Lauren's preschool time!  Adalynn's poor little legs are extremely sore this evening, so wish me luck tonight. 

But on to the good news.  Adalynn is 12 pounds and 12 ounces; 90th percentile!  Little chunkins!  But she is 90th percentile in height at 23.5 inches and head circumference as well.  Soooo she's proportionate!  The doctor was amazed that she already suffers from separation anxiety when I leave the room.  Normally that's a 4 month old's trait and Dr. Jiang says it's because we've got a smart one. 

Adalynn is suffering from reflux, but nothing bad enough to treat.  So hopefully she'll grow out of it as it should get better over time.  Most infants have reflux.  The only reason why I discussed it with our pediatrician was that she "spit up" (it was more than that but less than the other) in her sleep and it didn't even wake her but woke ME instead.  A little scary, so definitely something to watch according to Dr. Jiang.  But it's not effecting her growth and she's a pretty content baby. 

Just as comparisons to her sister.  Lauren was 50th percentile in height at 22.2" and head circumference.  And 75th percentile for weight at 12 lbs 2 ounces.  

Adalynn's hitting all the milestones.  It will be interesting to compare her growth process to her sister's over the next year!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Matching outfits!

Yesterday Lauren broke out the matching outfits.  First she picked out Adalynn's and was commenting how cute it was.  I reminded her she picked out the same one for herself when we bought them in April.  She was sooo excited.  They are her favorite colors: pink and green (atleast it's not just green!).  And according to her she loves frogs.  I don't think there's an animal she doesn't love....besides snakes but those don't count!
 Our smiley girls.  Love it!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Last weekend

Summer has finally arrived in Washington.  Last weekend we actually tried to beat the heat!  We made a family trip to Cabela's. We wanted to go early to miss all the people and ended up being too early for the BBQ competition.  Dang it because it smelled wonderful!  But we were there early enough so that there was actually fish food in the feeder!  We have NEVER been there when there is fish food and Lauren always wants to do I guess it was a successful trip anyways!  For Lauren, Cabela's is an airconditioned stuffed zoo. 
Then we did some hanging out at the house when we got home. We broke out the massage chair for Adalynn, which brought an immediate grin to her face when we turned it on.
 We got some outside time in with a couple layers of sunscreen!
 Lauren found some creative ways to keep cool!

Adalynn enjoys being outside.  Mommy even uses it to calm her in the event of a breakdown emergency!  She likes to nap and watch the trees.  Note the binky....yes I think we finally found one that works.  The same one that worked for her sister...only sold at Target!
 Sunday we broke out the sprinkler instead of the pool.  Why the kid won't run through it is beyond us!

So it looks like summer is here to stay.  No rain forecasted.  So for the first summer we've been here it looks like we are going to have a nice summer!  Yeah for vitamin D!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Randoms from today

Adalynn did some sleeping under the tent today.  What a nice day we finally had.
 I love it when she smiles in her sleep!
Lauren brushing Biscuit trying to calm her from the fireworks.  Yes, fireworks in the middle of the day.  Boy does Biscuit hate fireworks!
Lauren got in some pool time.  But decided after a short stint that it was too hot outside.  Wow she's really turning into a Washingtonian when 75 is too hot!
Sounds like summer has finally arrived for us, so hopefully there will be many more outdoor days in our future!