Tuesday, March 6, 2012

10 things Lauren said....

.....that caught us off guard:

  1. "C'mon Jimmie Johnson, you gotta win!" while watching NASCAR. Who knew she knows who Jimmie Johnson is??
  2. At 6 a.m. on arrival in mommy and daddy's room, "Mom it's time to watch FOX news!"
  3. After feeding the neighborhood deer apples from the deck, "NOW can we shoot them?"
  4. Getting ready to go to mommy's doctor appointment, "We're gonna get that baby out of your belly today." Um no we aren't.
  5. Visiting a preschool she said to the boy named Luke sitting next to her at snack time, "Did you know Darth Vadar is your father?" Oh yes she did.
  6. During a NASCAR wreck she yelled at the tv, "Oh my gosh! Are you ok?" at the top of her lungs.
  7. Playing with the baby toys, "It's so I can show Adalynn how to play with them."
  8. "Mom, kiss daddy and turn him into a frog!"
  9. I left the tv on while waiting for the Daytona 500 to start and it never did. Got out of the shower and I hear a lot of beeping on the tv with Lauren planted right in front of it. I marched over to turn the channel realizing what she was watching. Her response, "But moooooommmmm...COPS is awesome!"
  10. While telling Lauren that we might get snow she responded, "Not a lot of snow, just a little. When there's too much snow, I can't make snow angels or even walk in it!"