Friday, April 29, 2011

Benny Beaver!

Last weekend Lauren attended another Beaver baseball game on Friday. This time she sat with daddy and mommy behind the dugout...yes, the netting covers our seats now. She is always concerned where Benny Beaver is. "Where's Benny?" is what is asked all game long. I mean who really cares about the game at that point! And then pretty soon she answers herself and says "There he is!"

It was warm to start out with. And yes, we applied sunscreen this time. But it was an evening game and she already had her nap for the day! But Benny was out, so we had to say hi. First she went in for the "five".

Then it was time for a hug. But she wouldn't stand there long enough for a pic!

During the ninth inning....the best part of the game...Lauren decided she'd had enough sitting. The game was approaching 2 hours. So Lauren and mommy went outside to stretch the legs. Much to our surprise, Benny was outside too!! Another "five"....

And this time we stood next to Benny for a pic but with hesitation....never taking her eyes off him!

We were standing next to the bullpen when the winning run was scored. Lauren started whooping with the boys as they ran onto the field. It was a good night to be a Beaver!

1 comment:

The Holliday's said...

Why do I get a feeling this was a proud day for Jake?! LOL. His daughter and Benny becoming best friends, does life get any better???